“The Nightingales” Sings in the Bay

“The Nightingales” Sings in the Bay, a Concert
August 6, 2016 (Saturday)
7:30 pm
Holy Name of Jesus Parish
1555 – 39th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122

Contact: (415) 664-8590 or hnparishsecretary@yahoo.com.

“The Nightingales” is an impressive and powerful vocal duo featuring two of the youngest, yet most formidable classical singers in the Philippines today. The former members of the Philippine Madrigal Singers, Bianca Camille Lopez and Maria Rhina Paula Palma-Cruz continue to intensify their artistry as they perform in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Tickets are $20 per person. For more information, contact the Holy Name of Jesus Parish Secretary at the number or email above.
