The Madz in "Voices of Peace"

The Madz in "Voices of Peace"

The Philippine Madrigal Singers are coming back to San Francisco after winning the Grand Prix in the 64th International Choral Competition in Arezzo, Italy last year.  The singers (popularly known as “MADZ”) will kick off their US/European tour with their performance in San Francisco.  Their concert, “Voices for Peace,” will be held in Holy Name of Jesus Church on Saturday, Aug. 12, 2017 at 7:30 pm.

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“The Nightingales” Sings in the Bay

“The Nightingales” Sings in the Bay

The former members of the Philippine Madrigal Singers, Bianca Camille Lopez and Maria Rhina Paula Palma-Cruz continue to intensify their artistry as they perform in the San Francisco Bay Area on August 6, 2016 (Saturday), 7:30 pm at the Holy Name of Jesus Parish, 1555 – 39th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122.

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