Shocked and Awed

Shocked and Awed

Read the first book on a Mindanao war written from the soldiers’ and rebels’ perspectives.

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Escape Through Death’s Door

Escape Through Death’s Door

How Lt. Geraldo Alvarez of the 51st Mechanized Infantry Company led his trapped men to safety through a storm of bullets in the battle for Marawi.

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In the Rubble of Marawi

In the Rubble of Marawi

A journalist has a sniper’s-eye view of the battle ravaged city of Marawi where ISIS militants had holed up in the central mosque.

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Why Our Moro Brothers and Sisters Will Never Turn Fundamentalist

Why Our Moro Brothers and Sisters Will Never Turn Fundamentalist

The author contends that most Filipino Muslims are too secularly practical to fall for the likes of ISIS and the Taliban.

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