Pinoyspotting : Cruising Through the Mediterranean and Adriatic Sea
/Send us your photos with Filipinos you meet in your travels. Each photo should be accompanied by an extended caption that will give the names of the people in the pictures, their city and country of residence and how you met them. We request that you get permission from them to publish their photos on the web.
Positively Filipino is not responsible for pictures posted without the subject(s) permission.
Formal night aboard Cunard's Queen Victoria : Joe & Lynn Santos with Ichie Yamamoto, a Japanese Filipina from London who we met at the cruise ship. (Photo courtesy of Joe and Lynn Santos)
Joe & Lynn Santos with Filipino waiters Henry Pagdanganan & Roger Bejosano, who pampered us every single night during our seven-day voyage. Words can not express our gratitude and appreciation to these two hardworking Pinoys who have been working with Cunard's Queen Victoria for more than 10 years (Photo courtesy of Joe and Lynn Santos)
From left : Robert Cristobal, VM & Christine Soliman, Joe & Lynn Santos. These are Pinoys from Vancouver, Canada, who we met in Venice. They were touring other Italian cities by train and they had just come from Florence when we bumped into them in Venice. (Photo courtesy of Joe and Lynn Santos)
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