Pinoyspotting: Barcelona


Send us your photos with Filipinos you meet in your travels. Each photo should be accompanied by a caption that will give the name of the people in the pictures, their city and country of residence and how you met them. We request that you get permission from them to publish their photos on the web.

Positively Filipino is not responsible for pictures posted without the subject(s) permission.

(Photo by Rey E. de la Cruz)

(Photo by Rey E. de la Cruz)

Dennis and Fe Flores: I met them at the Explore Catalunya office in Barcelona. We took a day trip together to Tarragona and Sitges, which are both by the Mediterranean Sea. They originally booked a trip to Monserrat, which was cancelled at the eleventh hour. Dennis is vice president for international operations at Jollibee Foods Corporation in Pasig City, Philippines.

(Photo by Rey E. de la Cruz)

(Photo by Rey E. de la Cruz)

Maria Sol Peñas: Maria and I met at an Explore Catalunya day trip to Vic and Pyreenes Mountains from Barcelona. She was excited because her trip to Spain was her first trip to go solo. Maria is an American Airlines revenue accounts officer in London.

Rey E. De la Cruz

Rey E. De la Cruz

Rey E. de la Cruz, Ed.D., writes from Chicagoland when he is not busy traveling and loving the arts.

Also from Rey E. de la Cruz:

Uncle Mike's Place
June 24, 2014
The best place to go for Filipino breakfast in Chicago is in the Ukrainian Village – at Uncle Mike Grajewski’s Place.