[Sponsored Post] Fun Facts about World Migration and the Filipino Diaspora
/According to the United Nations, more than 215 million people (3.2% of the world's population) live outside their countries of birth. The United States tops the list as the number one destination country of immigrants, followed by the Russian Federation, Germany and Saudi Arabia.
40 million individuals or 13% of the U.S. population is foreign born, with over half coming from Latin America and a third from Asia. Fifty years ago, 75% of the foreign-born U.S. population hailed from Europe.
The Philippines ranks number 9 in the list of Top Emigration Countries, with 4.3 million Filipino emigrants leaving the country in 2010. Top destination countries for Filipinos include the United States, Saudia Arabia, Canada, Malaysia and Japan. In the same year, 1.7 million Filipinos moved the United States.
Overseas Filipinos continue to be an importance source of money remittances to the Philippines, with the United States accounting for a large chunk of the transfers. Filipinos are the second largest Asian community in the U.S., with population estimates at 4 million. While official records peg the figure at 3.4 million, census authorities concede this is likely an undercount because many Filipinos have Hispanic or Chinese surnames, and there is a large number of undocumented immigrants.
Where else do Filipinos tend to migrate? Find out in this week's infographic.
Fun Facts about World Migration and the Filipino Diaspora - Infographic by Sterling Regalo