UP Alumni unite for our ISKOlars

Calling all ISKOLARs ng Bayan!

UP Alumni Association in America, Inc. has been privileged to meet most of you in the past reunions and conventions.

Many of you have supported our projects and various fundraising campaigns.

A handful of you have been active throughout the years and UPAAA will live forever because we have dedicated people like you.

To all of you, THANK YOU...

Through the years, our organization has evolved but one thing remains...We are all ISKOLARs ng Bayan!

It's in our blood.

It's in our DNA.

We, at Scholarship Committee headed by Dr. Joy Celo would like to ask all ISKOs and ISKAs to PAY IT FORWARD. 

We believe that this scholarship project should be in the center of all our efforts. 

We believe that we are all WILLING and ABLE to give back. 

Just like Dr. Ronnie E. Baticulon in his inspirational welcome speech to the UP Manila class 2020-2021.

We urge you to READ it and share it and tell us your ISKO story on our FB post here: https://www.facebook.com/UPAAAofficialpage or tag us @UPAAAofficialpage

There are so many students who need our help. 

With your generosity and support, we believe we can help young ISKOs and ISKAs to graduate from UP and reach their full potentials.

Now, more than ever, we need your full support.

There are many ways to give...

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How to “Pay It Forward” to the University of the Philippines and the Filipino people

I: Stipend Scholarships 

Started AY 2018-2019

Purpose: To augment undergraduate students’ expenses.  Projected monthly expenses by UP OSS is P7,000=$144 (P28,000/semester=$576)  Tuition is currently free in all Philippine state universities (Republic Act 10931). 

Grant of $300 per student per semester.One grant per Constituent University, except the UP Open University. The stipends are funded by donations raised by UPAAA during the biennial Alumni Reunions in the US, and other UPAAA-sponsored fund raising events.

Open to all year levels of a 4-year undergraduate course. Family income not to exceed P80,000 annually.  As long as student passes all subjects, grants are renewable until graduation.

As of August, 2020: 3 students have graduated (BS Math, BS Occupational Therapy and BS Human Ecology)

II: International Student Financial Assistance

Started July 2020

Purpose:  To assist UP alumni who have scholarships for postgraduate study in the US, needing emergency financial assistance to commence or complete their study

Amount of financial assistance is dependent on amount of donations raised by UPAAA from UP alumni and friend

III: Endowed Scholarships 

Starting AY 2020-2021

Purpose:  Unlike term scholarships (#1), the money used to fund the scholarships come from interest earned on a large sum donated to the University.  The scholarship can then be maintained in perpetuity.

The grant per student and requirements will likely be similar to #1.  The number of grantees and the amount of the stipend will depend on the generosity of donors.

Note: UPAAA past presidents have raised $30,000 already which is under the UP Foundation, Inc. (UPHI).

Our goal is to raise this to $100,000 by 2021 to be able to generate enough interest so we can sponsor more scholars in all UP constituents.


IV: Donor-funded scholarships and other grants

(also called Named scholarships or Memorial scholarships or Pass-through scholarships)

Starting AY 2020-2021

Scholarships offered through UPAAA that are created and funded by alumni, other private citizens, businesses, civic groups and others to honor or memorialize loved ones, teachers or as their own legacy to UP.  By donating through UPAAA, donors can claim a tax deduction.

The amount of the grant per student and requirements are dependent on the donor.  UP chooses the grantees and UPAAA remits the grant to UP.


For a cup of Starbucks coffee or $5 per month or $50/year donation to our scholarship fund, you can help us reach our goal of providing at least 20 students with their stipend of $500 per semester.

You can also donate any recurring amount as you wish, we appreciate any amount you can afford. 



Paypal (choose send to Family and Friends)Check payable to UP Alumni Association in America, Inc. Venmo or Zelle (email our Treasurer Cristina Colmenar at mcc858@yahoo.com)Name UPAAA, Inc. in your Trust Fund (email Past President Nelsie Parrado at nparrado@ft.newyorklife.com for questions on how to do this)
You can also email your questions to our Scholarship Committee Chair Dr. Joy Celo at jscelo@gmail.com.

We are a 501C3 non-profit organzation. All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by the law.

Become a UPAAA, Inc. Member

Active members are the lifeblood of any organization.
Join us and help us fulfill our goal to reach out to UP Alumni worldwide and create a stronger network for the benefit of our Alma Mater!

Click here to register

Follow our page and share us your ISKO/ISKA story on Facebook @UPAAAofficialpage
