The Philippine Madrigal Singers Singing for Houston Recovery


Philippine National Commission for Culture and the Arts
Embassy of the Republic of the Philippines and
The U.S.-Philippines Society

invite you to join the

Singing for Houston Recovery

Thursday, September 21, 2017
5:30 PM - Eucharistic Mass
Followed by Singing for the Victims of Hurricane Harvey
Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle
1725 Rhode Island Ave, NW, Washington, D.C.

Sing for Houston Recovery

The good news is that damage from Hurricane Irma, while substantial, is less than predicted, even as the storm continues to dominate the national news. As attention turns back to Texas and the impact of Hurricane Harvey, victims in the Houston area continue to face an historic challenge in restoring health, homes and livelihoods.

The hit from Harvey devastated large swaths of America's fourth largest city, a culturally diverse and sprawling urban center where more than 90 languages are spoken among the 2.1 million residents. Hurricane Harvey, largest to strike Southern Texas since Typhoon Celia in 1970, left a wake of destruction and displaced more than a million people from their homes along the Gulf coast. Threats to public health from toxic flood waters remain acute. 

Your assistance is urgently needed. Just as the generosity of many Americans, including from Texas, aided recovery in the Philippines after Typhoon Haiyan in 2013, your support now can make a difference during Houston's time of need. It is with sincere gratitude that we acknowledge the Philippine Madrigal Singers' willingness to "Sing for Houston Recovery."

Donate to Houston Recovery

The Philippine Madrigal Singers
UNESCO Artist for Peace

Recognized by the UNESCO as Artist for Peace for "putting their fame and influence to promote cultural diversity, intercultural dialogue and a culture of peace," the Philippine Madrigal Singers, is one of the most awarded choral groups in the world, having consistently won all top prizes in major choral competitions, including the Grand Prix in the recently concluded 64th Concurso Internazionale di Guido d' Arezzo last August 2016 in Arezzo, Italy. They hold the distinction of being the first choir in the world to win the prestigious European Grand Prix for Choral Singing twice (1997 and 2007).

Under the direction of Choirmaster Mark Anthony Carpio, the group's virtuosity, promotion of Filipino choral works and captivating performance all over world have established a reputation as a pioneering force in choral music and an inspirational role model for other choirs.

The Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle will celebrate the Feast Day of St. Matthew, patron saint of civil servants. Established in 1840, the Mother Church of the Archdiocese of Washington serve a diverse and multi-cultural parish in our nation's capital under the care of the Archbishop.

The Church will set up  a special collection for Hurricane Harvey Relief and Recovery Efforts. Donations collected will be used to support disaster relief programs of the U.S.-Philippines Society, a 501 (c)(3) charitable organization.


This program is made possible through the support of PLDT (US) Ltd. 

PLDT US is dedicated to bringing offshore businesses to greater heights. With its full suite of end-to-end industry solutions that connect your enterprise to the Philippines and beyond, PLDT US aims to inspire fearlessness across the dynamic business landscape, paving the way for enterprise growth and success.

PLDT US is part of PLDT Global Corporation, a subsidiary of PLDT, Inc. the leading telecommunications, ICT and digital service provider in the Philippines. 
