The Future of the Philippines in a Post-Duterte Era

May 20, 2022|11:00am - 12:30pm

Location: Hybrid

Speaker: Maria Ressa, CEO of Rappler, Journalist, Author, Freedom Advocate, and 2021 Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Chair: James Robson, James C. Kralik, and Yunli Lou Professor, Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations; Harvard College Professor; Victor and William Fung Director, Asia Center, Harvard University

The speaker will present remotely via Zoom webinar

Online: Registration is required here:

In-person: Registration is not required

S020, Belfer Case Study Room, Concourse Level, CGIS South, 1730 Cambridge Street, Cambridge, MA 02138

The talk will be followed by a reception in the Japan Friends of Harvard Concourse
