Filipino World War II Veterans Decry Termination of Family Reunification Program

Filipino World War II Veterans Decry Termination of Family Reunification Program

“This is not right,” says 91-year-old Rey Cabacar of Ft, Washington, Md, one of the few remaining Filipino World War II veterans living in the Washington, D.C. area. “We waited long for recognition, and it came only after many of our comrades have already died. We waited long for family reunification, and now many of them will die without their families on their side. This makes me very sad.”

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‘Day of Valor’ in the nation’s capital honors Bataan & Corregidor Heroes

‘Day of Valor’ in the nation’s capital honors  Bataan & Corregidor Heroes

Community leaders, diplomats, veterans, families, and veteran advocates gathered to mark the 77th anniversary of the Fall of Bataan and Corregidor. 

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Filipino Veterans Honored at Washington D.C. Book launch

Filipino Veterans Honored at Washington D.C. Book launch

Veterans, World War II enthusiasts, representatives from the US government, private sector, academe, US-Philippines Society, Embassy, and the Filipino American community gathered in Romulo Hall of the Philippine Embassy, located on the corner of Bataan Street and Massachusetts Avenue, on 18 May 2017 to participate in the launch of a commemorative edition of the book, Cadet, Soldier, Guerrilla Fighter: Remembering Bataan and Corregidor. 

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