Reminder: Trainings for Emerging Nonprofit LGBTQ &/or BIPOC Leaders

Join us for a Series of Training Workshops for LGBTQ and people of color (BIPOC) emerging leaders of smaller nonprofit organizations with budgets under $1 Million. Register at

Six (6) training workshops will help LGBTQ and BIPOC leaders survive and thrive.  This series will be offered over video digital conference. Every Tuesday at 8pm Eastern 7pm Central/ 5pm Pacific from March 26 to April 30: 

  • Nonprofit Fundraising and Fund Development March 26

  • Foundation Fundraising April 2

  • Becoming a Nonprofit CEO: Advancing into Executive Management -April 9

  • LGBTQ Executive Directors of Color: Surviving before Thriving -April 16

  • Nonprofit 501c3: Legal Requirements & Becoming a 501c3: Benefits and Pitfalls April 23

  • All-Volunteer Run Organizations: A Sustainable Model when no staff - April 30

FREE but $5 donation requested for each training or
$25 for all 6 trainings.  
Zoom info provided after registration.
Register at

These trainings are supported by Comcast, KPMG, the Rosenberg Foundation and the Asian American Federation, in collaboration with Magpantay & Associates, a nonprofit consulting and legal services firm.

