NaFFAA Region 8 Summit: Empowerment Means Succession


The National Federation of Filipino American Associations (NaFFAA) Region 8, Northern California, in cooperation with the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA) San Francisco Chapter, invite you to the:

NaFFAA Region 8 Empowerment Summit
Theme: Empowerment Means Succession

WHEN: Saturday, April 18, 2015
WHAT TIME: 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
WHERE: Union Hall | 350 Rhode Island Street | San Francisco, CA

(Main entrance to the Union Hall is at Kansas Street/17thStreet)



8:00 am - 9:00 am Coffee & Registration
9:00 am - 10:00 am Invocation | Approval of Program | Introductions | History of NaFFAA
10:00 am - 11:00 am Empowerment Session | Recognition of Public Officials in NaFFAA Region 8 | FilAm Electeds' Brief Talks on "How & Why We Need to Empower Our Communities"
11:00 am - 12:00 noon Membership Meeting | NaFFAA R8 Commission on Elections
12:00 noon - 1:00 pm Lunch
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm NaFFAA Region 8 Elections
2:30 pm - 4:00 pm Strategic Planning for 2015-2016
4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Social Networking & Team Building: How to be Effective Leaders

  • Chapter Chairs are currently accepting applications for Memberships (New & Renewed) to be submitted & paid BEFORE Feb. 12, 2015 to Jinni Bartolome, treasurer for eligibility in NaFFAA R8 Elections; for a membership application form
  • For Corporate Sponsorships, contact Jose Pecho
  • General Inquiries: Contact NaFFAA R8 Summit Chair, Ben Menor at


UNION HALL at 350 Rhode Island St., San Francisco, CA. Main entrance to the Union Hall is at Kansas Street, which is parallel to Rhode Island St. Street Parking available.

This is a 10-minute bus ride via MUNI 22 Fillmore (Sign is “3rdSt. & 20th St.) from 16th Street Bart. Board at 16th St. at the corner of Mission St. No need to cross the street. You can get off at 16th Street/Kansas or wait until bus turns right on Kansas/17th St. The Union Hall entrance is directly across the street from Pacific Range Hood Inc. Look out for Welcome signs at the doorway.

Thank you!

Rudy Asercion, Regional Chair | Jinni Bartolome, Regional Vice Chair | Daz Lamparas, Regional Secretary | Clarence Madrilejos, Regional Youth Chair & NaFFAA R8-Santa Clara County Vice Chair | Rudy Asercion, NaFFAA R8-San Francisco County Chair | Ben Menor, NaFFAA R8-Santa Clara County Chair | Charito Benipayo, NaFFAA R8-Alameda County Chair | Sansu Ramsey, NaFFAA R8-Alameda County Vice Chair | Rodel Rodis, Region 8 Legal Counsel

  • General Inquiries, Media Sponsorships: Contact NaFFAA R8 Summit Chair, Ben Menor at