Filipinos with Type 2 Diabetes Needed for Study


Pilipino Americans – Go4Health
Weight Loss and Healthy Lifestyle Program

UCSF is conducting a 6-month study using a pedometer, mobile app diary, and private Facebook group to reduce heart disease in Filipinos with Type 2 diabetes.

• Filipino (men and women)
• Have type 2 diabetes on metformin
• 18 years or older
• Would like to lose weight and be physically active
• No disabilities limiting physical activity
• Have a smartphone (iPhone or Android)

 Receive up to $80 + keep the Fitbit pedometer upon completing all 6-month study requirements

 Commitment: 6 months 

• Includes tailored program with personal coaching and support
• Requires one research office visit per month, 3 blood draws and 3 physical exams.

Call: 415-483-0992
