Eight Asian American Leaders Named Distinguished Citizens of 2014

On Saturday, October 25, 2014 from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.,  Westbay is hosting its 2nd Annual Distinguished Citizens Awards at the University of San Francisco, Lone Mountain Campus located at  2800 Turk Street, San Francisco, CA  94117.

This unique event will recognize the following community leaders dedicated to mentoring the youth and molding them to be the next generation of leaders:

Former West Bay Pilipino Multi Service Center executive director Rudy Asercion
San Francisco Public Defender Jeff Adachi
Former Daly City mayor Ray Buenaventura
Academy of Art University VP for Community Affairs Rebecca Delgado-Rottman
PG&E VP for Government Affairs Travis Kiyota
San Francisco Mayor’s Adviser on Education Hydra Mendoza
Asian Art Museum Executive Director Jay Xu
Philippine International Aid founder Mona Lisa Yuchengco

The event, which will include a live and silent auction plus a “balut” challenge for the bravehearted, is for the benefit of West Bay’s After School Academic Enrichment and Mentorship Program, a program that provides academic and culturally competent mentoring support, targeting the youth ages 5-17 and their families primarily from the underserved neighborhoods of South of Market and the Tenderloin.  

“We are also raising funds for West Bay’s soon-to-be-launched College Prep Program for underserved  youth,” said Vivian Zalvidea Araullo, West Bay’s executive director.

Major sponsors include PG&E, Trumark Urban, Global Filipino Network, Clear Channel Outdoors and the “No to E: Stop Unfair Beverage Taxes” campaign and AARP.  

Westbay, the oldest Filipino-led non-profit agency in Northern California, offers a multitude of free services to newly-arrived Filipino immigrants, as well as Filipino Americans, and other underserved communities.

Tickets are available for purchase online http://www.eventbrite.com/e/distinguished-citizen-awards-2014-tickets-13236295115?aff=efbevent for  $50.00, and will be available at the door for purchase.   Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
