

FRIDAY/SATURDAY, MAY 3 & 4, @ Bindlestiff Studio, 185 - 6th Street, San Francisco

DALUYAN is a culminating performance offering that centers storytelling as an act of soul retrieval and ancestral medicine. Conceived and coalesced by Pilipinx interdisciplinary artist-healer Sammay Dizon, this portal of time, space, and performance ritual continuum invites us to reflect in the depths and sit quietly with our shadows. Through movement, spoken word, music, and video - this multimedia production offers these tumultuous times some care-full insight to the beauty and complexity that is the nexus of community arts process and the 'individual' healing journey. We invite you to bear witness, bring your roots, and hold what needs tenderness as we gather in community and sacred circle. May our moments of shared resonance bring to surface the Dreams already flowing in our bloodstreams. 

Live Accompaniment by Erika Oba

Video Design & Documentary by Solitaire Miguel

Choreography & Artistic Direction by Sammay Dizon



$15 - Student/Senior

$20 - General Admission

$30 - Support the Stiff
