Call for Bay Area High School Teachers – Develop WWII in the Philippines Lesson Plans

Bataan Death March

Bataan Death March

Bataan Legacy Historical Society (BLHS) will be selecting several teachers from the Bay Area high school districts to take part in a 2-day workshop designed to create inquiry-based lesson plans to help implement WWII in the Philippines which was included in the U.S. history curriculum framework for Grade 11 (Chapter 16) in California. The workshops will take place on Wednesday, July 12 and Friday, August 4 from 10AM to 4PM at the War Memorial Veterans Building, Room 206 at 401 Van Ness Ave., San Francisco, CA.

Under the direction of BLHS Exec. Director, Cecilia Gaerlan and Tracie Noriega, Curriculum Coordinator, the sample lesson plans will be presented during the following conferences/workshops:  

     1.  September 9, 2017 at the WWII in the Philippines Conference at the University of San Francisco’s McLaren Hall (in collaboration with Memorare Manila 1945 and USF Yuchengco Philippine Studies Program)

     2.  September 29, 2017 -  Filipino-American Educator's Association Conference (FAEAC) in San Diego

     3.  October 28, 2017 -  National Park Service Dissonant Voices Teachers' Workshop at the San Francisco Asian Art Museum

     4.  April 12-14, 2018   Organization of American Historians Conference in Sacramento, CA

To qualify for the 2-day workshop scheduled for July 12 and August 4, please send a resume attached to a 1-page essay on your reason for participating in this groundbreaking process by June 23, 2017 to Teachers who will be selected will receive a modest stipend upon completion of the workshops and designated professional training sessions to be determined.

For further information please visit or call (510) 520-8540.
