46 Years Ago

Folks in New York and New Jersey will be the first in the US to watch the movie "Goyo: The Boy General" which has been creating waves in the Philippines. Starring Paulo Avelino and directed by Jerrold Tarog, also the director of the highly acclaimed "Heneral Luna," "Goyo" is hailed by some critics as even better than the earlier movie. PF Correspondent and cultural historian John Silva weighs in with his review. Details of East Coast showings are provided with the review.

With this issue, we begin our compilation of Martial Law Stories, as part of the growing effort to document what happened during that period. 

"Raid" by Nathan Gilbert Quimpo (excerpted from Subversive Lives: A Family Memoir of the Marcos Years) vividly recalls the heart-stopping fear many experienced when the dreaded knock in the middle of the night came.

"House Arrest" by Vin Lava relates the author's baffling house arrest which turned out to be a decoy so the safe house close by will be warned of the arrest of a top revolutionary.

"The 'Torture' of Playing for the 1974 Miss Universe" by Circus Band vocalist Ceres Jacinto gives us a glimpse of what a command performance for Imelda Marcos meant. 

And as a fitting bookend to this week's 46th anniversary of Proclamation 1081, Read Again Patricio Abinales' account of the adventures of his youth, "Note From the Underground."

This week's list of In The Know links:

To write his debut memoir, Jose Antonio Vargas went off the grid

Philippine Miners Trapped in Typhoon: Drawn by Gold, Drowned in Mud

Philippine ex-general jailed over activists' abduction

Bank of America is asking customers to prove citizenship to access their own money https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2018/9/11/1794968/-Bank-of-America-is-asking-customers-to-prove-citizenship-to-access-their-own-money

'She can't see — that's why she can't drive': Asian-American woman films woman's racist tirade in parking lot

For our Happy Home Cook, another pulutan recipe that emanated from prison: Tahong Especial.

For our Video of the Week, Arnel Giban posted a video on the children who became victims in the Philippines' War on Drugs.

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino

For Your Re-Reading Pleasure

If you're vacationing in the Philippines this month and you're setting your sights on meeting a Filipino partner, you just might meet a Kapampangan. Know what it's like to be with somebody from the Central Luzon province of Pampanga? Read Again cultural historian Robby Tantingco's insightful list, "10 Things You Need to Know About Kapampangans," one of our most-read stories. (And for non-Kapampangans, we're eager to hear from you. Send us your own list of what makes your tribe unique among Filipinos. Email to pfeditor@yahoo.com.)

Another worthy Read Again in these days of summer travel, Manuel Hizon's "11 Great Beaches You Probably Haven't Been To."

And if volunteering is your thing, look up Teach for the Philippines, an educational nonprofit that is drawing interest among Fil-Ams seeking to know more about their parents' country of origin. Positively Filipino Contributing Writer Anthony Maddela talks to Edmundo Edward Litton of Loyola Marymount College, which is in the forefront of training young teachers to assist in public schools in the Philippines.

How will the world function in 10 years? We are posting a fearless technology forecast by a Morgan Stanley analyst that should make you sit up and think, because it's inevitable that our lives and lifestyles will be upended sooner than we anticipate or want.

Where in the world is there no Filipino? Contributing Writer Rey de la Cruz travels to the smallest country in South America, the Republic of Suriname, and -- of course -- encounters kababayans.

Vegan calamari. Really? Our vegan foodie Richgail Enriquez gives us an instructional on her version of a fave pulutan, calamari for the Happy Home Cook this week.

Our Video of the Week: a rare vintage footage of Manila in the 1930s. 


Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino