They Who Heal Us

At the beginning of 2020, our world was still what we had known it to be. Our daily routines were simple: work; play; love; travel; enjoy.  

Two weeks into the year, the Philippines suffered its first major tragedy, but it was localized. Taal Volcano erupted, spewing tons and tons of ashes that turned some parts of Batangas and Cavite gray, forcing large-scale evacuations and rendering farms and orchards dead. 

And then Covid-19 happened towards the end of January and, just like that, the world as we knew it was completely upended. Within a few weeks, lockdowns would be imposed in almost all countries, businesses destroyed, international travel banned, and mass deaths became the norm.

We're now on the 8th month of the pandemic and the end is nowhere in sight. In the Philippines, 80 health care groups representing 80,000 doctors and a million nurses have petitioned the government for a "timeout" to recalibrate its strategy (or the lack of it) in fighting the virus because the entire health care system is now in danger of complete collapse, its frontliners exhausted to their human limits.

The US is not doing any better. The country is on top of the list in covid infections in the entire world and every day, records are broken for new cases. Toiling at the forefront, side by side with the doctors and other health care workers are the 150,000-strong Filipino nurses scattered in most states but mainly in California and New York, where they make up about 20 percent of the labor force caring for coronavirus patients. Do a Google search and you'll see many reports on how Fil-Am nurses have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Watch our Video of the Week -- a CBS news report by Fil-Am journalist Elaine Quijano on precisely this topic. 

Our story this week on Zenei Cortez, the president of the California Nurses Association and co-president of National Nurses United, the US' largest nurses' union, is both a call to action and a tribute to these heroes of the moment, many of whom are our kababayans. PF Correspondent Cherie Querol Moreno reports.

Writer and long-time activist Bonifacio P. Ilagan gives us a capsule post-mortem on the real state of the nation, following President Duterte's address last July 27. 

And, if you haven't yet, register for Positively Filipino's webinar on "Immigrants in the Time of Racial Unrest, the Pandemic and Trump" featuring Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Jose Antonio Vargas and veteran immigration lawyer Lourdes Tancinco. The webinar happens on Monday August 10, 6pm PST/ 9pm EST (Tuesday 9 am Manila time). Here's the link:

Stories This Week

A Compassionate Healer And Fierce Fighter For Fellow RNs By Cherie M. Querol Moreno

The State Of The Nation In A Day By Bonifacio P. Ilagan

Master Watercolorist Josė Honorato Lozano—The Sequel By Myles A. Garcia

Architect With A Personal Touch By Rafaelito Sy 

Read Again:
Murder Most Foul By Alex Fabros, Jr. 

The Happy Home Cook: Instant Pot Beef Caldereta By Elizabeth Ann Quirino

Video of the Week: Asian Americans report increased discrimination, even as some work on the front lines of pandemic

[PARTNER] Watch It Again: Philippine International Aid’s Giving Hope to the Children 2020 Online Fundraiser

In the Know

Philippine capital returning to lockdown as virus surges

Meet the Bay Area rapper working on a COVID vaccine

Why Filipinx Americans Should Be In Solidarity With Black Lives Matter: Lessons From American History

On Adobo and Anxiety

Amy Schumer just shared her Emmy nomination with her nanny who is from the Philippines

Journal of the Plague Months

We continue our focus on what is undoubtedly the biggest story of the year -- the pandemic -- even as our shelter-in-place days are interspersed with heartwarming stories about the heroism of the frontliners and the strong sense of community among regular citizens, along with our grieving -- almost daily -- of the lives unexpectedly snuffed out by this insidious virus.

 From Kenya, regular PF contributor Agatha Verdadero gives us a glimpse of how life has changed with "Social Distancing in Nairobi."

PF Correspondent Cherie M. Querol Moreno tracks down some regular folks who have stepped up to do their part in "Inspired Kindness in the Time of Lockdown."

From Manila, John Silva shares with us his tribute to two friends, fashion designer Ito Curata and his partner Bob Miller, both of whom didn't survive Covid-19.

From Chicagoland, PF Correspondent Rey de la Cruz features a Filipino restaurant who is likewise helping out, "Chicken Ati-atihan, Restaurant with a Heart" from which our Happy Home Cook recipe for Chicken Curry comes.

Our links to stories to keep you In The Know:

New Tear-Jerking Tourism Video Honors Frontliners and Filipino Optimism

In Slum at Epicenter of Duterte’s Drug Crackdown, Fear and Love Coexist

The Philippines is sending its nurses to the frontline underprotected. Now medics are dying, others risk spreading the virus

Asian Americans use social media to mobilize against attacks

Dr. James Goodrich, friend to Filipinos

Voices from the frontline: The volunteer driver giving free rides to stranded medical workers

For Video of Week, we commemorate the 75th anniversary of  the Battle of Manila and the  Liberation of the Santo Tomas Internment Camp.