Papal Protection

Bishop Pablo Virgilio David (better known as Bishop Ambo) of the Caloocan diocese has been getting death threats, ostensibly from people unhappy about his speaking out against the extra-judicial killings (EJK)  happening in his territory. When in the Vatican recently to attend a meeting of Filipino bishops with Pope Francis, the Holy Father gave Bishop Ambo valuable affirmation. Read his Facebook post about the memorable encounter, "Confirmed by Peter's Embrace."

A Filipino American named CyreneQ is a certified sensation on Snapchat as she enthralls her more than 200,000 followers with her stories, art and advise. PF Correspondent Anthony Maddela explores the often overlooked Filipina side of this social media influencer in "Another Side of CyreneQ."

World traveler Bella Bonner gets real about visiting Peru's high-altitude attractions: the city of Cusco and the heritage site of Machu Picchu. Despite the breathing challenges, she still considers Cusco as one of her favorite cities.

As we approach our Motherland's Independence month, here are some Read Agains that offer some historical knowledge:  

Michael Gonzalez, "Please Stop Calling the Philippines 'P.I'"

Penelope V. Flores, "How Filipinos Got Their Surnames"

Here are links to stories in other pubs that you may have missed:

This Philippine Library Keeps 30,000 Ancient Books Worth Billions

The Philippines Just Became More Authoritarian, Thanks to the People

‘Not Just a Maid’: The Ultra-Running Domestic Workers of Hong Kong

From accidental collector to art world force

Filipino-American Immigrants Take Center Stage in Masterful New Song Cycle; In-Depth Review and a Chat With Creator Paulo K. Tiról

For the Happy Home Cook, how about Ginataang Langka, done the vegan way by Richgail Enriquez.

In our video of the week, Rappler’s Maria Ressa is featured as commencement speaker at the graduation of Columbia Journalism School’s Class of 2019.

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino

Love Time

It's that time of year again. February is coming up so start dusting off your love stories and write them up, for us to share the thrill. Or the heartbreak. Whatever one's current circumstance is, there should always be room for remembering  how it was to be in love, don't you think? Send your story to and we'll do the rest.

Meanwhile, this week, we transcend time, geography, cultural and physical barriers with our collection of stories:

From Manila, Neni Sta. Romana-Cruz tells us about her brief non-encounter with celebrity visitor, Pope Francis, whose ring she didn't manage to kiss but was close enough to bask in his radiance.

Author/educator Peter Jamero in "An Invisible Generation" introduces us to the "bridge generation" -- the men and women who were the children of the manongs, the initial batch of Filipinos who immigrated to the US mostly as farm workers. Peter knows the subject by heart because he is one of them.

In North Carolina, Filipino American Sarah Angelina Bustillo Johns literally defies the limitations of gravity as she displays her mettle as an aerial dancer. Rey E. de la Cruz's "She Spins in the Air With the Greatest of Ease" includes a video clip of Sarah that will keep you at the edge of your seat.

Regular contributor Myles A. Garcia opines in "Like Dat...Like Dat" on language, assimilation and the irony of Filipinos in the Philippines trying to talk like Americans as they do their call center jobs.

And speaking of language, our Video of the Week shows five Caucasian guys doing the near-impossible -- talking Cebuano like natives. 

I'm back with my blog this week and you'll know why I've been absent for most of January.

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino

A Conversation with Pope Francis • The Filipino-Malaysian Connection • Last Year’s Most Read Stories • Street Food in Manila

Allow me to personally greet you a Happy New Year. Both our editors are on vacation, so this gives me the perfect opportunity to personally thank you for being a loyal reader. I know you have many reading choices, so we are especially grateful for your following, comments and feedback.

It’s the first working week of the New Year, and despite resolutions and promises, it is difficult to erase bad habits. We can at least try. It is said that goals should be set one at a time -- the simpler, the easier to achieve. But let us take you back shortly to 2014 to highlight our ten most popular stories. You may want to read these stories again.

Pope Francis will be in Manila mid-January and travelers are being warned to stay away from visiting. He has redefined certain traditional concepts of the Catholic Church, but much more needs to be done. Contributing writer, Marilen Danguilan, presents thought provoking questions to the popular pope in a wishful interview. I would also like to hear what his responses might be.

Our Southern California writer, Anthony Maddela, introduces us to two new faces in ABC Family’s “The Fosters” – Filipina Ashley Argota and Jordan Rodrigues, an Australian with Malaysian descent. Together they “rock.”

Our Video of the Week features National Geographic’s take on Manila’s street food. I must confess, I have never tried balut and I don’t think I ever will, but for everyone who has, I applaud your courage!

Happy reading. May you have a year of hope, compassion and love.