Hooray to Our Heritage

We join the nation in celebrating Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (AANHPI) this whole month of May. This heritage month is a time to reflect on and acknowledge with gratitude the shared history and the contributions of AANHPIs in shaping this great experiment called the United States of America. 

AANHPIs have, through the years, birthed a wide variety of advocacies and social service organizations, one of which is the National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association. As its name implies, this nonprofit focuses on the mental health concerns of its constituents, many of whom have been gobsmacked with anti-Asian hate incidents the past four years. Learn about what it does here. https://www.positivelyfilipino.com/act-against-hate/alliance-fights-hate-through-policy-advocacy-helps-victims-heal

What does it take to be a Philippine National Artist? The Order of National Artists is the highest national recognition that can be conferred on individuals whose body of work represents the best in Philippine  music, dance, theater, visual arts, literature, film, broadcast arts, and architecture and allied arts. First awarded in 1972 posthumously to the great Filipino painter, Fernando Amorsolo, the honor has been given to a total of 86 outstanding Filipinos. Only 12 of them are still alive. The search is on for the next batch and we hope the internationally acclaimed pianist Cecile Licad will be among them. 

Aside from the many town fiestas that take place yearly in our homeland this month, Mother's Day is also a May event. We'll be putting out mom stories in our issues this month because, well, mama love can't be limited to just a day.

Anti-Asian Hate Watch

The Federal Response to Anti-Asian Racism in the United States

Rising global tensions continue to fuel anti-Asian rhetoric across the US

Lowell High teens reported anti-Asian hate on Muni. Now, their parents demand action

Southeast Asian Americans face the brunt of racist attacks among Asians in U.S., new study finds

When Hate Hits the Golf Course

Funding provided by the State of California.

In The Know

Philippines: Drought dries up dam to reveal centuries-old town

Why American Billionaire Andrew Carnegie Offered To Buy The Philippines’ Freedom For $20 Million

Overlooked During Her Lifetime, Filipino American Artist Pacita Abad Has Suddenly Become a Global Star

The Bay Area’s Great American Diner Is a 24-Hour Filipino Casino Restaurant

How do you make 600 students from 80 countries feel at home? Ask Chef Abigail Serbins 