Freedom from Want

In 1943, the celebrated Filipino American writer, Carlos Bulosan, was chosen to write an essay on Freedom from Want to accompany an artwork of the quintessential American artist, Norman Rockwell. Retired Ambassador Virgilio A. Reyes Jr., one of Positively Filipino's regular contributing writers, tells the story behind the essay ["Freedom from Want: The Ghost of Carlos Bulosan"].

The full essay, which we include in the article, displays not only Bulosan's remarkable literary skills but also his prescience in "reading" the real America. His words resonate as much now in 2021 as it did 74 years ago. 

"We do not take democracy for granted. We feel it grow in our working together — many millions of us working toward a common purpose. If it took us several decades of sacrifices to arrive at this faith, it is because it took us that long to know what part of America is ours.

Our faith has been shaken many times, and now it is put to question. Our faith is a living thing, and it can be crippled or chained. It can be killed by denying us enough food or clothing, by blasting away our personalities and keeping us in constant fear. Unless we are properly prepared, the powers of darkness will have good reason to catch us unaware and trample our lives."

Read the essay, and be inspired and guided.


Don't forget to register for Positively Filipino's webinar on Climate Change, this Friday, April 23.

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino