News Capsules From Us and Advice from a Fil-Am Writer

If you're too busy to read online news sites daily, you can get capsule reports on Filipino-related news from all over the world in Positively Filipino's In Brief section:

And if you missed reading Filipino-related news in various publications, we have In The Know, a listing of links to interesting stories. This week, here are the stories you may want to read:

Philippine ambassador’s views on challenges and opportunities in bilateral ties

Fil-Am couple indicted for Medicare fraud, human trafficking

Filipino youth stage musical against Duterte's deadly drugs war

How a Photographer’s Work Helped a Homeless Girl From Quiapo Finish College

This Little Girl Cosplayed Jyn Erso So She Could Deliver The Death Star Plans To Princess Leia

Many people dream of being a writer, but very few actually become one. Award-winning fictionist Cecilia Mangguera-Brainard is one of those who followed her calling and has authored nine books and edited or co-edited 10 more. This week, she shares with us her story on the women who have influenced her writing as well as some advice for beginning writers.

PF Correspondent Myles Garcia researched the strange story of Lucio and Simplicio Godino, conjoined twins born in Samar in 1908 that became celebrities of sorts and were adopted by Filipino diplomat/businessman Teodoro Yangco. In "The Unusual Life and Times of the Godino Twins," Myles also traces the stories of conjoined twins in history.

Another PF Correspondent Rey de la Cruz introduces some Filipinos he met in Aruba in Pinoyspotting.

No Filipino knows French cooking like Nora Daza, the original chef superstar of the Philippines, who set up the first French restaurant in the country, Au Bon Vivant. Our recipe for the Happy Home Cook this week is Daza's Chateaubriand, a dish that originated in France.

For our Video of the Week, Our Awesome Planet Originals features their Top 10 Pampanga Restaurants. Do you agree?

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino