Nostalgia in These Times
/This is an unsettled and unsettling time in the Philippines and in the US. As a way to temper the tempest that might be creating havoc in our minds and hearts, let's indulge in some nostalgia. As Dr. Neel Burton, a columnist for Psychology Today, states, "The hauntings of times gone by, and the imaginings of times to come, strengthen us in lesser times."
Here are some Read Agains to take you back to relatively gentler times:
Postcards From the Age, a compilation of early 20th century postcards by Jonathan Best, illustrates the link between the US and its new colony, the Philippines.
Before Elorde and Pacquiao, There Was Luis Logan by Myles Garcia, previously untold story about the Spanish immigrant to the Philippines who won numerous boxing medals for his adopted country.
At Play in the Field of the Haves by Lou Gopal gives quite a colorful story of the origins of the Manila Polo Club, when Filipino elites played with the American colonizers.
Back to the present, veteran journalist and regular contributor Cherie Querol Moreno takes us with her as she visits family in Icking, a pastoral town in Bavaria, in southern Germany.
In Oak Forest, Illinois, Kusinang Pinoy touts Ilocano culinary culture as Positively Filipino Contributing Writer Rey de la Cruz reports.
From Kusinang Pinoy comes another version of the Ilocano staple, pinakbet, our Happy Home Cook feature this week.
On Video of the Week, we look back at Marissa Aroy's 2008 documentary "Little Manila: Filipinos in California's Heartland."