
The one-year grant that the state of California, through the California State Library, awarded Positively Filipino requires us to be constantly alert to the serious issue of Anti-Asian hate. Thus we have published original articles on various aspects of the Stop the Hate campaign, and we continue to monitor various publications so we can compile links to those stories with our regular Hate Watch collection.

Disseminating information on anti-Asian hate also means learning more about this sorry, sometimes tragic, sign of our times. We have followed up on Fil-Am victims of violence and assaults, some of them gruesome enough to make mainstream news, others just spoken about in whispers. Since documentation is important in addressing the gravity of the problem, PF has opened itself to posting reports on incidents that are brought to our attention. Such as our story this week by San Francisco community leader Mauro Tumbocon who was a victim of a random, unprovoked physical assault on New Year's Day.

We also came across this short film by Glenn Philip Martinez Aquino on the anti-Filipino riot in Exeter, California on October 24, 1929. This film, our Video of the Week, is instructive and cautionary. Filipino American history is replete with stories of hate directed against our elders who came to the US in unfriendly times.  And such negativity from certain quarters is not going away anytime soon.

However, we are not helpless victims here. Together with other Asian Americans, we can get the resistance going. Gathering information. Documenting incidents of assaults. Educating ourselves on the historical, social, psychological, mental and legal issues of anti-Asian hate. We are one in declaring in various ways, through a variety of voices and channels: ENOUGH!

Anti-Asian Hate Watch

For Asian Americans, January Brings Memories of Tragedy and Hope for Change

With hate crimes on the rise, the FBI wants to hear from Utahns

Anti-Asian Hate in America: Exploring a Psychological Aspect of Human Thought, Behavior, and a Solution

Combat Hate Crimes toolkit in Tagalog

Combat Hate Crimes toolkit in English and Ilocano

Anti-Asian Hate

How Asian Americans Fought Back Against Hate – and Won

Funding provided by the State of California.

In The Know

The return of ancient Cotabato limestone urns to the PH, the return of dignity to Filipino heritage

The Manilamen and their Australian Connection

Here's How Much Money Filipino Content Creators Make From YouTube Videos

Someone Unearthed Old Films That Give a Rare Glimpse of Pre-War Manila

This Filipino-Romanian NFL Player Is Introducing Fans to Sinigang and Adobong Pusit

Coconut Milk Chicken Adobo

Confusions, Mixed Feelings, and Hate

Nobody tells the colorful stories of the good 'ol days of mass media in the Philippines than Greg Macabenta, who has done it all --  journalism, script writing, advertising, publishing, column writing, even occasionally performing -- and who was responsible for some of the most memorable ad campaigns in the annals of Philippine advertising history. Already a career multitasker when it wasn't yet a thing, Greg puts his stories on print with his newly published memoir, Confusions of a Communications Man, which is a must-read for anyone who has aspirations of hitting it big in media. PF contributor Lorna Lardizabal Dietz reviews the book in "A Jack of Many Communication Trades."

Author Cecilia Manguerra Brainard reveals her mixed feelings about her recent visit to Japan, whose beauty she totally appreciated while not completely forgetting WWII, Hiroshima and the cruelty of war. Read "Japan: A Thoughtful Travelogue" to understand what she means.

Racism and its concomitant terms - white supremacy, hate crimes - are once again fueling dastardly acts that have targeted minorities in the US. History shows that the crimes are nothing new and Filipinos are not spared. Lest we forget (or before we get lulled into thinking that this current wave will not affect us), let's look back:

Just 20 years ago, a Fil-Am postal worker Joseph Ileto was gunned down by an avowed white supremacist looking for a kill. Ileto's only "crime"? He was a brown man who inadvertently crossed the path of the perpetrator. Filipinas Magazine in October 1999 had this story: "Death by Discrimination" by the late Bert Eljera.

And further back in time, another crime against Filipinos in Watsonville, California. Read Again Alex S. Fabros Jr.'s "In the Heat of the Night: The Exeter and Watsonville Riots 1929-1930."

Our In The Know stories this week:

PH now among main cyberattacks targets

Lives lived and lost along Manila's Pasig river

Rodrigo Duterte is losing interest in creating a federal Philippines

A thriving Filipino community makes Juneau home away from home

What Makes An American?

Born in Israel, hundreds of Filipino children risk expulsion

For the Happy Home Cook, we bring back this plant-based treat: Ensaladang Talong with Coconut Vinaigrette.

For Video of the Week, we feature a Pan Am Airlines travelogue on the Philippines from the 1960s.





Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino

A Month of Celebration

October is a busy month in the U.S. as we celebrate Filipino American History Month along with Mental Health Awareness Month and Domestic Violence Prevention Month, all three issues significant to Filipinos in America. Stay tuned to Positively Filipino as we celebrate the month with our usual collection of stories that inform, inspire, and entertain.

The history of Filipinos in America is replete with tales of hardship and heroism, triumphs and tragedies. It wasn't an easy life our predecessors had to endure in the early- and mid-1900s as Filipino American historian Alex S. Fabros Jr. narrates in "In the Heat of the Night: The Exeter and Watsonville Riots of 1929-1930."  To those who came before us, we owe a big debt of gratitude for paving the way.

This month we likewise welcome Ballet Philippines as it tours the U.S. to highlight its 45th year with a rich repertoire that showcases Philippine culture in all its glory. Writer Marlina Gonzalez introduces Ballet Philippines' president Margie Moran-Floirendo and artistic director Paul Alexander Morales to us as they lead this distinguished dance group in its six performances in the U.S. For details, see our Partner post: Ballet Philippines Brings "Master Pieces" to the U.S. and Canada.

Speaking of entertainment, our popular contributor Lotis Key comes up with another zinger this issue. "Lunatic Magnet" highlights once more her wit, humor and astute observations of Filipino culture that marked her previous essays for Positively Filipino.

Before you savor yellow fin tuna, read our Partner post from World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) which talks about what the fish means to our fishermen and our ecosystem, and what we can do to ensure that we will be enjoying its subtle flavor for generations to come.

My blog this week introduces some books that you might want to read.

And in Our Video of the Week, CNN correspondent Isha Sesay interviews White House Executive Chef Cristeta Comerford.

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino