Where Are You Going in 2018 (Literally)?

So here we are once again -- another year over, and what an emotionally taxing year it has been.

Now we get to start again and we send our wishes for a more peaceful and meaningful 2018 for everyone.

Will this coming year be filled with travel for you? Here's a reality check for one of the most desired destinations in our motherland -- Coron in Palawan. PF contributor Bella Bonner visited the place for the first time and shares her astute observations of what awaits you in one of the most talked about places in anyone's bucket list.

In another part of the world, Joe Santos posts his encounters with Filipinos of various kinds during his cruise earlier this year. 

And for a delicious New Year's meal, Elizabeth Ann Quirino once again puts together a menu consisting of Spanish-style Cocido, which is a complete meal in itself, and Coconut Leche Flan.

As for our In The Know links, we always try to give you a variety of stories for your reading pleasure:

Women of Manila ‘killing field’ count on power of silence

Decolonizing With Betel Nuts

5 famous personalities around the world who have nothing but praise for Filipino nannies

What's wrong with this statue of a comfort woman?

For Video of the Week, we wind up the year with renowned shadow dance group El Gamma Penumbra's rendition of Pentatonix's “Mary, Did You Know?”

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino