Spot a Filipino and Eat

We'd like Positively Filipino to be the bridge that connects Filipinos wherever they are in the world. Thus, we have started a series that we hope will be a regular feature, PINOYSPOTTING, where we publish photos of chance encounters of the Pinoy kind. When you're traveling and meet a Filipino or Filipinos by chance or by design, take a picture and send it to us, captioned with your names, where the encounter happened and when.

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If you're visiting Seattle's Pike Place Market, be sure to find your way to Oriental Mart, a sari-sari store and kitchenette owned and operated by an enterprising Filipino family for 44 years. In “The Smart Women of Oriental Mart," first-time contributor Gia Mendoza celebrates the entrepreneurial and people skills of the women of the Apostol family who have mastered the art of feeding tourists in that most holy of Seattle's tourist havens.

Over at the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), Pasig-born Eduardo A. Angeles is associate administrator of airports, a job that allows him to oversee 3,000 airports in the U.S. and manage a $3.5 billion budget for federal airport grants, among other heavy-responsibility functions. Quite a feat for a single mother’s son, who went on to become a hotshot lawyer, Anthony Maddela reports in "Mr. Angeles Goes to Washington."

Our food writer Elizabeth Ann B. Quirino focuses on Yasmin Newman, a Filipino Australian food journalist and author of 7000 Islands, the first Filipino cookbook that did well in the Australian market. Read “She Came, She Ate, She Wrote a Cookbook” and marvel at how Filipino food has made inroads in various countries.

My blog this week is about the "Dirty Pleasures" we savored in our youth.

In Video of the Week, we look back at the Red Bull wakeskating stunt at the Banaue rice terraces, which drew both praise from some bloggers and criticisms from conservationists.

Happy Autumn!


Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino