Politics and Machismo

As election day in our homeland nears, the rhetoric is getting hotter and the polls are getting tighter. Here's an update on the presidential and vice presidential races as reported by author/academic Vicente L. Rafael, a recent visitor to the Philippines.

Presidential frontrunner Rodrigo Duterte, famous for reckless remarks, went beyond the pale recently with his outrageous comment on a 1989 incident of rape and murder, which he recalled in a recent campaign sortie. We are re-posting from theater artist/women's rights activist Monique Wilson's Facebook page, her impassioned and thought-provoking statement on why rape is no joking matter. "An Open Letter to Mayor Duterte" is a sober read that will hopefully educate Duterte fans on why their candidate's words have intense repercussions.

And speaking of machismo, Dr. Penelope V. Flores, our resident cultural historian, writes "Of Cocks and Men." 'Nuff said.

On to the brighter side, Bay Area writer Ed Diokno regales us about the current NBA champs, "The Golden State Warriors Make an Asian Connection." Get to know the Filipino Americans who are crucial contributors to the team's tremendous success.

And for those hungry in LA, Positively Filipino Contributing Writer Anthony Maddela tries out Eggslut, a unique sandwich place, and writes about it in "Runny Side Up."

We also take you back to another write-up by Anthony Maddela last year, "Boy Band That Sings Together, Stays Together," on the impressive a capella group, The Filharmonic. 

Our Happy Home Cook feature, Bangus Shanghai (Milk Fish Egg Roll) from Rene Astudillo.

For our Video of the Week, Lea Salonga sings on the season finale of the CW's musical comedy "Crazy Ex-Girlfriend."

Gemma Nemenzo

Editor, Positively Filipino