Another Man’s Gem
/Smokey Mountain. The name alone conjures up images of filth and suffering. Although Manila's notorious garbage dump has been leveled, it continues to fascinate and haunt documentarists such as Japanese indie director Kohki Hasei whose short film, "Godog" pays tribute to the children who lived and survived in this late, unlamented urban wasteland. Manila-based contributor Maria Carmen Sarmiento writes about how this award-winning director saw gems where others saw only garbage in "The Japanese Jologs Who Loves Smokey Mountain."
Tackling the health situation in the rural areas meanwhile is the Philippine Medical Society of Northern California (PMSNC), a 42-year-old organization of doctors, nurses, medical personnel and support staff, which has been conducting a yearly medical mission to various areas in the Philippines for 29 years now. Manzel Delacruz informs us about the group's commitment and structure that has made it one of the longest running missions from the US that’s helping alleviate the medical needs of the homeland.
For a touch of nostalgia, we are reposting Lou Gopal's "A Neighborhood of Yesterday: Malate/Ermita District Part 1," which reminds us of the glory days of old Manila. While you're at it, you can also read Part 2 of this fascinating throwback story.
Another Read It Again story: Rochita Loenen Ruiz's "How Tolerant Are the Dutch?" for a firsthand account of living as an immigrant in The Netherlands.
We have another Pinoyspotting report from Bay Area-based Joe Santos from his recent travel to Europe.
How about some sinfully delicious Pork Binagoongan for dinner? Positively Filipino Correspondent Elizabeth Ann Quirino shares her recipe for cooking the usually fried pork in the oven instead.
And our Goldilocks featured recipe, Sans Rival.
Don't miss our Video of the Week featuring the Pinay girl group "4th Power" on X-Factor UK.
Please read my blog this week, “Road Scholars,” about why a road trip is important.