Meta Honcho Battles Hate Against Asians
/“Don’t let us die in silence”: In grandfather’s memory, Meta honcho calls peers to action vs anti-Asian hate.
Read MorePOSITIVELY FILIPINO is the premier digital native magazine celebrating the story of the global Filipino. The POSITIVELY FILIPINO online magazine chronicles the experiences of the global Filipino in all its complexity, providing analysis and discussion about the arts, culture, politics, media, sports, economics, history and social justice.
“Don’t let us die in silence”: In grandfather’s memory, Meta honcho calls peers to action vs anti-Asian hate.
Read MoreThe bonds of sisterhood have endured over the years among members of the Maryknoll College Class of 1974.
Read MoreAs the presidential campaign heats up, so has public sentiment against those in the margins of society -- immigrants, people of color, non-Christians and the LGBTQI+ -- who are scapegoated for the country’s troubles
Read MoreA mother pursues justice in her daughter’s tragic death from domestic violence.
Read MoreClaire Joyce Tempongko died of multiple stab wounds in the hands of the man who was supposed to love, respect and protect her 23 years ago this month.
Read MoreAfter three years of virtual activities, the team will gather in person at their 14th annual “Our Family, Our Future” 2-4 pm, Saturday, June 17, at the Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco 94080.
Read MoreLast year’s big stories show just how immersed in American society are the many and diverse ripples and waves of immigration from the archipelago.
Read MoreDistant acquaintances in college become political allies and close friends later in life.
Read MoreA late respected Filipino American political mover and shaker gets a California highway marker in her honor.
Read MoreReina Bonta’s short film LAHI depicts emotions and situations occurring everywhere in a diaspora.
Read MorePOSITIVELY FILIPINO is the premier digital native magazine celebrating the story of Filipinos in the diaspora. POSITIVELY FILIPINO online magazine chronicles the experiences of the global Filipino in all its complexity, covering the arts, culture, politics, media, sports, economics, history and social justice. Based in San Francisco, California, POSITIVELY FILIPINO magazine is your window on the Filipino diaspora.
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